Testimonials & Case Studies
Riding confidence restored
I used to ride as a child but stopped from the age of 10 and restarted at 40 years old. In my first year back riding I had a nasty fall whilst out on a fun ride; I broke my collarbone which not only shattered my confidence in riding, but also affected other areas in my life. I sent my horse away on loan and eventually I came to the conclusion that I needed to start again.
Dr. Elaine Atkins came into my horse world - which consisted of me looking after my daughter's horse on the ground and in the stable, but never riding.
After a few consultations using Energy Psychology method with Elaine my life has now turned around; I feel so much more confident and relaxed in all areas of my life. I have even started to go out hacking and I'm currently having riding lessons in the menage at my livery yard and I don't even worry about people watching me anymore.
I am very pleased to say I am having my own horse back now so I can progress my riding further and it's all down to Elaine.
Michelle, Monmouth, February 2014
EFT for Life Coaching
Dr Elaine Atkins helped me through a very tough time. I thought I was stuck in a hopeless life but she made me see how I had so much more. With her help I made some big decisions about what I am going to do and I am now confident in my choices.
She also helped to release energy from stressful things I'd been holding onto. I am very grateful for her help as it's had such an important role in making me a happier person today.
Anna, Abergavenny, July 2012
Anxiety Relieved
The presentation went really well today. I didn't get any anxiety in my stomach before or during! Thankyou so much!
Sian, Bridgend, July 2016
Remote Consultation with horse
I asked Elaine to do a consultation with my horse to try and help me clarify some issues I was trying to work through with him. I had a complicated and confused set of circumstances going on and despite professional expertise, I felt I was going around in circles. When she said she could do this remotely from emailed photographs I admit to being somewhat sceptical.
They say that every picture tells a story, but the accuracy and individuality in the details of what came back was astonishing! I was talking it over with my partner later that evening and from what I was describing he just assumed Elaine had been to the yard, and met the horse….. Not the case!! We both found it incredible what Elaine can tap into from a distance – so no call out fee either! This has been a rewarding and humbling experience, which has been hugely helpful to me in making some decisions on the best way forward for my horse.
I guess many people just don’t think this can be done! However sceptical you may be, I would urge you to open your mind, and let Elaine help.
Sally Bell, Equine Podiatrist DEP, BHSAI. August, 2016
Driving theory test passed after six previous fails
I came to see Elaine because I'd failed my driving theory test six times and just didn't know how I was ever going to pass. I thought I knew the answers but I did get nervous once I got into the building and especially in front of the computer, so I kept rushing through and not thinking clearly.
I found the Energy Psychology methods fairly easy to learn. I only had one session and I was able to get rid of all the anxiety I had about the test and get more focus on what I need to do when I'm in a stressful situation. Elaine gave me homework to practise with too. It was fantastic when I passed the next time!
I wouldn't have done it without this help from Elaine and it's made me more confident doing stuff especially communicating with other people. When I'm nervous I use the methods and it helps a lot.
JJ, Abergavenny. May2017
Elaine practices EFT in Raglan, she is truly fantastic! . . .Good for any physical, psychological or wellbeing problems and very accessible and easy to talk to.
HJ, Monmouthshire, January 2019